Welcome to Startup Culture™


Why Me, Why Now?

I’m passionate about working in startups - understanding what makes them tick; why some work; and why some fail. Working in startups doesn’t come without challenges. Even my ultra running sideline seems tame in comparison. I’ve learned a lot along the way about people - what motivates us, and what makes us commit, even to something as risky as a startup. I joined my first startup after 15 years of an international corporate career. I learned a lot in my corporate career and got a lot out of it, but it wasn’t until I joined a startup that I really found my niche. This is why I wrote this book, to help other people, and the companies they build and work in, create and nurture a startup culture, that will give them an unassailable and sustainable competitive advantage.

Why Do Startups Need Great Culture?

Creating a successful startup culture isn’t easy. We live and work in a disruptive economy. The last few years have thrown up more surprises and challenges than many of us would have guessed. Startups move fast and have to adapt fast as circumstances change. Building a culture that brings out the best of people to meet that challenge takes work, but the results are worth it.

The right culture helps companies attract, keep, and develop their best people. It helps companies expand their workforce beyond their existing national, social, or cultural circles. It promotes innovation. It helps attract investors, most of whom understand the importance of culture. And it helps them to sell to their customers, who increasingly want to buy from businesses whose values are similar to their own. Culture matters for establishing a competitive advantage and sustained growth. To grow into a successful and sustainable business, founders and business leaders must establish and nurture the right culture. Startups need to get this right in order to survive. But established companies also have something to learn from startup culture.

A startup's culture is more important than its funding, products, or marketing, because it underpins all those elements. It can't be left to chance. This is the book that will help develop a culture of resilience and adaptability that startup needs to thrive in an era of disruption and uncertainty.


What People Are Saying


Startup Culture ™ Ingredients

PURPOSE: The benefit you bring to others through what you do.

PURPOSE: The benefit you bring to others through what you do.

HUMILITY: Staying humble, understanding that others have knowledge or experience you lack.

HUMILITY: Staying humble, understanding that others have knowledge or experience you lack.

OWNERSHIP: Willingness to take responsibility for your own decisions

OWNERSHIP: Willingness to take responsibility for your own decisions

INNOVATION: Courage to challenge and change, and to try something brand new.

INNOVATION: Courage to challenge and change, and to try something brand new.

ADAPTABILITY: Being able to adjust, fast, to new conditions.

ADAPTABILITY: Being able to adjust, fast, to new conditions.

GROWTH: Ability to learn, develop through dedication and hard work. 

GROWTH: Ability to learn, develop through dedication and hard work. 



Target Audience

Entrepreneurs who understand the importance of culture at the beginning of their journey in building a business that will last.

Entrepreneurs who understand the importance of culture at the beginning of their journey in building a business that will last.

Business Leaders who need to transform their culture to attract, retain and develop great people to grow their businesses.

Business Leaders who need to transform their culture to attract, retain and develop great people to grow their businesses.

Investors who want to help shape  the culture of the businesses they have  invested in.

Investors who want to help shape
the culture of the businesses they have
invested in.

Professionals & Students who are new to the concept of Startup Culture and want to try something different in progressing their careers

Professionals & Students who are new to the concept of Startup Culture and want to try something different in progressing their careers

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Published 2021