Change is Inevitable, Growth Optional
There's a well-known expression that the only known constant is change (which originated from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus I believe). This certainly rings true for me (though I bring some of it on myself; when I go trail running I often decide to dive off into an unexplored route or a different turn, which gets me lost, but has led to some interesting discoveries!)
Often I think it's human nature to stick to the known path to reduce the risk of something negative affecting our lives. We tell ourselves good reasons to avoid change: I'm too busy, it's not the right time or I'll start after I... But perhaps the real reason is the fear of failure or the unknown. What if these fears are robbing us of our courage to reach higher or change things up? And how can we move ourselves into a position where – in a world where technology disruption and innovation are moving so fast- we are comfortable with adapting to change and committed to being lifelong learners?
It’s easy to write about being open to change, but much more challenging to accept the short term trade offs of deciding to head into an unknown future, compared to continuing with the status quo. However, I’m definitely bought in to the "optimistic acceptance of change" mindset. I think it’s brought huge benefits in terms of my professional life and my personal happiness and fulfilment. Now is another moment in life to double down on the willingness to make a change and take a leap.
We are coming up to nearly 9 years in Asia, having enjoyed long stints living in China and Singapore over that time. But it’s now time for my family and me to return to Europe in 2021. I am slowly sunsetting my professional commitments in Singapore to get myself ready for the transition. In parallel, I’ve been working on publishing my first book, which has been a personal and professional ambition.
This is one of my all-time favourite quotes from Nelson Mandela. Although I sometimes doubted I would be able to get it done, I am super proud to say that my book is finished and ready to be published, first in Singapore, and then in the UK early next year.
My book is Startup Culture™, Your Superpower for Sustainable Growth. I focus on the idea that to grow into a successful and sustainable business, start-ups must establish the right culture from the beginning. Culture is essential for establishing a competitive advantage and sustained growth. The book explores culture within start-ups- what makes it different, and how it determines whether start-ups succeed or fail. With a deeper understanding of how culture works and why it’s essential for growth, the book outlines practical strategies and approaches that founders and leaders can use to build and maintain their own positive culture.
It shares lessons on how a strong culture is the basis to help businesses adapt and turn challenges into opportunities. The book is based on extensive personal experience of working at and with start-ups as they go through periods of hyper- growth. It draws on the experience of founders and leaders – good and bad- in building a culture that enables their companies to succeed.
If you have a moment, please take a look at my website
where you can watch the book's video trailer, enjoy the book's
various chapters in sketchnotes and read a special mention
on Singapore and why it showcases the Startup Culture
ingredients I passionately believe in.
There will be more activity and information once the book
goes on sale, but for now you might want to register your interest
on my website and don't hesitate to share this post!
As for me, I have finally found my calling and at 40 feel that I am only getting started. Once the book is officially out I will be actively promoting it and trying to use it to spread the word on what great culture looks like, and to encourage others. But I also want to use my energy and passion to help a purpose led startup back in Europe to thrive, grow and succeed, and I’m especially keen now to work with a startup to readjust some of the social differences that we are seeing in today's gig economy- while building a unique and world admired culture for them. So watch this space :-)
P.S. Although I’ve had a few interesting adventures while taking the uncharted routes in my trail runs, I might upgrade my trail watch to avoid some of the crazy terrain and low branches that have caused a few bumps and grazes….