Why I Enjoy Blogging & Storytelling

It all begins with an idea, but for me blogging taught me discipline. Having to sit down (whatever the frequency) and write is an important skill. It forces you to learn the difficult lesson that some of the best things in life happen as a result of delayed gratification.

Blogging also taught me to reflect on what's important and made me realise all the things I didn't know about a subject that I thought I knew pretty well.

Finally, blogging gave me a voice and you don’t need to think of yourselves as an established writer or speaker. It feels liberating to have a platform to air my views, which are free from censorship and criticism, but hopefully will resonate with people who also believe in what I do. 

Alex Nicolaus Alex Nicolaus

PPaysend Adventurer Program: Celebrating Recognition!

At Paysend, we understand the profound impact of recognizing our employees' efforts and fostering their growth. The Adventurer Program is our way of acknowledging individuals who exemplify Paysend's cultural principles in their daily work and behaviour.

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CULTURE Alex Nicolaus CULTURE Alex Nicolaus

Thought Leaders in Our Industry

🚀 At Paysend, we're not just focused on achieving our business vision 💼 We're also determined to shape the future of work and become thought leaders in our industry globally! 💡

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LEADERSHIP Alex Nicolaus LEADERSHIP Alex Nicolaus


Altruism can be described as the unselfish concern for other people - doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty or loyalty and as a servant leader, you're a "servant first" – you focus on the needs of others, especially team members, before you consider your own.

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CULTURE Alex Nicolaus CULTURE Alex Nicolaus

Addressing the Issue of Burnout

The quote “Anything worth doing is going to be difficult” by Fauja Singh (oldest marathon runner) speaks to the perseverance and drive needed to succeed. However, it's important to remember that this level of commitment can also lead to burnout.

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LEADERSHIP Alex Nicolaus LEADERSHIP Alex Nicolaus

Employee Engagement

Startups face unique challenges as they grow and strive for success. An ongoing challenge they face is keeping employees engaged and motivated, especially in a remote first, fast-paced and rapidly changing business environment that startups operate in.

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CULTURE Alex Nicolaus CULTURE Alex Nicolaus

Game Changer

We announced 2021 to be a ''Game Changer'' for Paysend. So why would we invite freestyle rapper Chris Turner to poke fun at our global leadership team?

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CULTURE Alex Nicolaus CULTURE Alex Nicolaus

Paysend's Remote First Strategy

At Paysend we're creating "Money for the Future" and simultaneously building the "Future of Work" by enabling a remote-first, high-performance culture for Paysenders to perform and enjoy their best work.

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Engaging Today’s Workforce

Engaging Today’s Workforce - HRO Today. The pandemic may be receding in some parts of the APAC region, but the impact on the workplace is still high.

Thank you Simon Kent for including me in your story, because engaging with workers in this environment will remain a challenge for HR for years to come. Elements of the ‘old normal’ may be emerging, but these come with new challenges rather than a sigh of relief.

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CULTURE Alex Nicolaus CULTURE Alex Nicolaus

How to Handle Culture Enemies

How to handle culture enemies and maintain your organisation’s soul as it grows? Culture can evolve, but it should always remain true to your origins, in order to avoid your employees becoming culture enemies.

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