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Alex Nicolaus Alex Nicolaus

Coming Soon in 2020

I’m passionate about working in startups - understanding what makes them tick…

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Alex Nicolaus Alex Nicolaus

Finding Work That Matters

Thank you General Assembly for your kind invitation last week to be part of a very international and insightful panel…

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Alex Nicolaus Alex Nicolaus

HR & Digital Asia Summit 2019

Our very own Alexander was invited to be a panel speaker at the HR & Digital Asia Summit hosted by Workplace by Facebook this last…

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Alex Nicolaus Alex Nicolaus

HR Festival Asia 2019

Looking forward to speaking at the forthcoming HR Festival Asia 2019 8-9th May, Singapore. The event will bring together over 5,000 HR…

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Alex Nicolaus Alex Nicolaus

“Change or Die”

I recently finished Thomas Friedman’s book “Thank you for being late”. Friedman argues that humans are actually fairly adaptable creatures.

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